Version 8.3.8


Function Description
WsAnalyticsJob Create analytics report.
WsEPGDefaultSchedule Create request to send palette report.
WsEPGSchedule Create request to send palette report.
WsPaletteReport Create request to send palette report.
WsUnpreparedFiles delete an unprepared file.
Function Description
WsAnalyticsReport Returns Analytics report for the given jobid
WsGoogleAnalyticsReport Returns Returns google analytics report for the given account
Function Description
AssetRss Returns asset/list of assets in xml for rss feed
GetHdsManifest Returns f4m manifest for cdn account supporting hds
WsAsset Returns asset/list of assets for a given param information, urls, thumbnail,reference file,associated files,captions,assocaited links and metadata.
WsAssetAssociatedFile Returns the asset associated files
WsAssetAssociatedLink Returns the asset associated links
WsAssetAssociations Returns asset/list of assets for a given param information, urls, thumbnail,reference file,associated files,captions,assocaited links and metadata.
WsAssetCaptionFile Returns the asset caption files
WsAssetCustomEmbed Returns Asset custom embed
WsAssetFile Returns
WsFolder Returns folders list for the given account
WsPresentation Returns Presentation
WsPresentationSlide Returns Presentation Slide
WsRecycleAsset Returns a recycled asset or list of recycled assets for an account
WsThumbnail Returns list of thumbnails for a given asset identifier or thumbnail id
WsTranscodeHistory Returns transcode history for a client or for a particular asset
WsVimeoPublish Returns vimeo publications for the account
WsYouTubePublish Returns YT publishes for an asset
Function Description
WsAssetSubType Returns
Digital Signage
Function Description
WsDsUser Returns Digital Signage User
Function Description
WsTimezones Returns valid timezones
Linear Playout
Function Description
WsChannel Returns channels
WsScheduleItemsForPlayout Returns scheduled playout items for channel
Function Description
GetLiveM3u8 Redirects to iDevice url for live stream package
WsLiveEvent Returns Live Events for a client
WsLiveNote Returns live notes for live projects
WsLiveSeries Returns Live Series UUIDs for a given account
Function Description
WsAccountMetadata Returns account metadata for a given account
WsAccountPreference Returns preference with their values for a given account
WsClient Returns client details and child accounts based on filter
WsEmbed Returns embed code for the vod project or live event or an asset. Embed code is url and base64 encoded. URL decode and base64 decode to get the embed
WsFiletypes Returns players list for the given account
WsFtp Returns Returns ftp files for the given account
WsFtpAccount Returns FTP Account credentials for a Client
WsHtml5Player Returns HTML5 players list for the given account
WsPermission Returns permissions for a given user
WsPlayer Returns players list for the given account
WsSecurityFilter Returns list of security filters for the given account provided the account's security is enabled.
WsSfSyndication Returns Syndicated projects and series for a given syndication partner uuid
WsSystemDefault Returns System default settings
WsTranscodingProfile Returns list of transcoding profiles for the given account
WsUser Returns user details
WsUserToken Returns a temporary user token for a user with the maximum age of the token before it expires.
WsVimeoAccount Returns Vimeo accounts associated with this account
WsYouTubeAccount Returns YouTube Accounts assocciated with the Account
Function Description
WsMidRollAd Returns midroll ads for a program
WsProgram Retrieves all programs for a given project, or retrieves a single program. To retrieve all programs for a project, use the 'p' parameter. To retrieve a single program, use the 'v' parameter.
WsProgramM3u8 Returns
WsRandomPrograms Returns randomized programs from a given project
WsRelatedPrograms Returns a list of programs that are related to a particular program based on the tags/keywords.
WsSearchPrograms Searches one or more projects for programs matching the search string. The following fields are searched: asset metadata, program title, asset title, asset description, and program description.
WsSprite Returns programs
Function Description
WsVodProject Returns a vod project or list of vod projects for an account